Friday, February 22, 2008


"I get to ice fish today!" Aaron said jumping out of bed.

Today was his school's Rewards Day.

Students with good behavior, grades and attendance got to choose to spend the school day skiing, tubing or ice fishing.

What baffled Aaron was how one classmate opted to spend the day in the classroom. Our die-hard fisherman explained, "She doesn't like any of the winter stuff. I told her: Okay. I can understand not liking skiing. I can even understand not liking tubing. But I CAN'T understand not liking Ice Fishing!"

"Especially when she's from Minnesota," I interjected. Aaron spouted, "Actually she reigns from Ohio."

"You mean: She HAILS from Ohio," I corrected. Raising his wiggling fingers in a down-pouring-weather motion, Aaron scoffed, "Rains. Hails. What's the difference."

"Well, to reign," I spelled out, "R-E-I-G-N" from Ohio would mean she is a queen," I said. Aaron spat, "Which she's not!"

I continued, "To HAIL from Ohio, means she came from there."

"Which she did,"
he said.

I still can't believe
she's going to sit
at school
all day and
do homework.

She's got like A's
in every class."

I grinned,
"Now we know why
She Reigns!"


Anonymous said...

Good chuckle!

Anonymous said...

An elegant argument indeed. Thanks.