Sunday, September 6, 2009

Who are You?

You gotta love the lake! Every time we go there, the boys find fun.

Over Labor Day weekend, we returned to my grandparents' place. This time the boys' aunts, uncles and cousins gathered there too.

One morning I heard a voice through the garage door yelling: "Mom! You've gotta come see this!"

Being our third trip here this summer, I understood the insinuated command: "Bring your camera down to shore!"

As I arrived, Isaac was standing in the water holding something in his hand.

He extended his arm, to show how a hefty frog calmly sat on his wrist, saying:

"Check this out this.

That's when an extensive photo shoot with "Frank the Frog" began.

I asked Isaac to turn, so I could take the frog's side portrait.

As I aimed, Frank made an about face, not just once - but every time, I aimed the camera for a side shot.

We all laughed. Finally, I conceded to Frank's wishes, "I guess he wants us to catch his BEST side."

"Try one from under-
neath," my nephew Drew suggested.


as I composed shots capturing his yellow throat and white belly.

In time, Frank's nervous-
ness subsided. Or maybe, the photo-
genic frog grasped what the nutsy photographer wanted and cooperated for this side portrait.

"Okay. Now watch this," Isaac said. He dipped his hand into the water to release Frank and said, "Swim little guy. Swim."

Frank grasped onto Isaac's arm. Isaac turned his arm up, "Come on, swim."

As the frog launched himself, Isaac put his hands out in front of Frank and the frog swam right back into them.

To our amazement, Isaac repeated the procedure. Then Frank swam up to shore,






"Who are You?" I asked, as I often do of critters who cooperate so readily.

"Were you somebody's pet? Or are you just ready to hibernate? You're so calm... so friendly... Frank the Frog."

A true frog - a green frog - rana clamitans.

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