Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Cabin Fever

Winter drags on. Temperatures dip below zero again. How do we cope with "Cabin Fever?"

According to Wikipedi, the term – first recorded in 1918 – refers to a claustrophobic reaction that takes place when a person or group is isolated for an extended period of time.

(As in, winter?)

Symptoms include forgetfulness, restlessness, irritability, excessive sleeping and laughter.

It's the term that popped to mind as a friend and I shared a silly email exchange – about signs. She wrote: "At the drug store today, I saw a knitted banner that cracked me up.

'My mind is like lightening........ One quick FLASH...... and it's gone!'

"I like your quip about the MIND. I feel mine going too!" I replied. "Here's another: They say 'age' is all in your mind. The trick is keeping it from creeping down into your body."

Later at a local gift shop, I snapped photos (see below) and emailed my friend another goodie noting, "The 'smile' one says it all! That's how I feel most days in this house of men."

And speaking of men, my hubby just phoned during his workweek in sunny San Diego, some 2,040 miles away.

"Hey! Listen to the trolley," he said while waiting in his short-sleeved shirt on the street corner for the pedestrian sign to go. "Okay, now we can cross the street. We've been out walking in the heat before the next event starts. I've gotta find some freshly mowed lawn to smell before we leave. Mmm... Yeah, I'm moving here some day. I'm not sure how, but it's inevitable!"

"Great," I said. "I'll be sure to include that in my blog post. It's called Cabin Fever. Glad you're enjoying Spring."

Now where was I? Ah, yes: Forgetfulness, restlessness, irritability, excessive sleep and laughter.

I'll choose laughter. It seems the best symptom to exhibit. For somewhere it is noted as an antidote: Laughter is the best medicine.

Here's hoping it works for Cabin Fever.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I feel some spring coming our way... these next few days at least!