Wednesday, December 22, 2010

My Christmas Present

I got my Christmas present today.

It came from Noah's class
of fourth graders. Their teacher welcomed me into the classroom to speak about Norwegian Christmas.

Dressed in my bunad-inspired frock and jewelry, I entered carrying an 18-gallon tote filled with props and supplies to demonstrate the recipe for a GOD JUL. (Pronounced: goo yule and meaning "good yule.")

Together, we decorated a tree with garlands of tiny norsk flags, straw stars and woven-paper heart baskets, learned about the history of Norway's julenisse (Santa), met the visiting nisse (my eldest son, Isaac, in costume), listened to the nisse song while we danced around the tree together and ate buttered lefse sprinkled with cinnamon and sugar.

Each student received
three symbolic ornaments -

a heart basket,
a nisse
and straw star

- to remember the recipe
for a Merry Christmas
consists of
love, joy and peace.

What made this moment a gift
happened at the end
of the 45-minute session.

As the students began to
thank me for everything,
I said, "If you'd like
to bring joy to my heart
with your thanks,
try saying 'Tusen takk!'

It means 'a thousand thanks.'"

And with that
final lesson,

their joy

My Christmas

1 comment:

Ruthie said...

A heartwarming story on a heartwarming blog! I, too, am a "prestefrue" in Northern Minnesota, of Norwegian roots and interests. God Nyttar!