Saturday, January 4, 2014

Here Comes Trouble

It's SO cold here in Minnesota that our outdoor cats are now indoor cats for a season. This year, their indoor season overlaps with our own Twelve Days of Christmas.

And so, with the cats' privilege comes trouble.

you can see it
in this one's eyes.

Then she leaps
and bounds
and attacks.

(Notice the Nativity scene below as well as the tree ornament being picked from the branch.)

When that happens,
there's only one line of defense.


A little mist of water
to save Mr. Mittens
and his friends.

And a little discipline
to discourage
more mischief.

It takes time to learn boundaries as we share space in our home. Our rooms are limited. Our personalities are many.

As the clock nears midnight, I flip my inspirational calendar to see about today's message, I am amazed by its pertinence which loosely translates:

"Thanks adds warmth to life.
We need the heat.
It expands the chambers of our life."

It's true. When we invite our cats to share the warmth of our home during the bitterest days of winter, they bring with them their own heat - a special energy played out in silly antics. Channeled in the proper way, that heat brings laughter and love. And then, the room in our house and our hearts seems to grow.

May the chambers in your heart grow too!

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