Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Musical Morning

Oh! What a musical morning.
Oh! What a delightful day.
I've got a fabulous feeling.
God's gotta plan for today.

There's a bright golden haze on the meadow.
There's a bright golden haze from the sun.
There's a bright golden haze reflecting the rays
on the creek by the road where we run.

Sharing sunrise scenes as I sing and run the boyS into school for Zero-Hour (i.e. 7:15 AM) Band Class. That's right! This year in high school band, we've got got TWO: Isaac, a tenth-grade clarinetist, and Aaron, an eighth-grade flutist. Due to a large number of band graduates last year (including three flutists) Aaron was invited to join the high musicians who are preparing for next spring's band and choir trip to Nashville.

Wishing you a Musical Morning from Along Life's Road.

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