Sunday, January 1, 2012

A Warm Exchange

She knit her first pair of socks EVER.
She sent them to me.
She handwrote me a letter.

In it, she explained:

"Mom taught you to knit socks.
We never got around to that lesson.
I want you to have my first pair.
I hope they fit."

Not only did her wool socks fit,
but they matched one of the last gifts
her mom ever sent me.
I sent photos to explain -
The Warm Exchange.

Sometimes it takes special people
to STRETCH our imaginations,
ambitions and dreams.

Sometimes those people
help us remember:

who we are,
about what we are passionate
and how we can live with ZEST!

Through them, we are blessed.

Tusen takk, Else-mor!

1 comment:

kileenmarie said...

May they warm your heart as well as you feet!