Monday, December 29, 2008


Sometimes we travel along life's road trying to "do it all" when a sheet of ice appears causing us to fishtail, spin around and stop in our tracks.

Why me? Why now? Why... a million different questions might run through our mind as we come to grips with the moment, assess the damage and figure how to set ourselves on a proper track.

As I worked through muscle spasms last night, I knew WHY. It was time to stop... baking cookies... sewing projects... writing holiday greetings... wrapping and delivering gifts... In short, time to stop worrying about doing STUFF for everyone else. And time to focus on rest and relaxation.

As I snuggled under the bed covers, I picked up a book and began to read until I dozed off to sleep.

This morning I was ready to be drawn in:

by my husband to watch an old movie together

and by my sons to play a hot game of cards and work on a puzzle.

Ecclesiastes 3:1 tells us: "To every thing there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven."

How we determine when one season starts and another begins may take a turn of 36oº!

1 comment:

Michele said...

Wow, Wendy, I'm so glad you weren't hurt in this accident! Your outlook on it is admirable, and so true! Sometimes we just get so caught up in what's happening we forget to sit down and enjoy some down time by ourselves or with our loved ones. I tried to do that this holiday season, too. It didn't work out quite as I wanted it to, but I tried. For me, that's everything.

Happy New Year!