Monday, January 30, 2012

Fairy Godmother

I'm addicted to fabrics.

I love their textures, weights and colors.
I love looking at fabrics and dreaming up projects.  I've got a zillion in the works, so I've had to discipline myself.

To avoid temptation, I can only enter a fabric store to find materials to FINISH a project.

That's how Noah and I ended up there Sunday afternoon. We found fabric not only to finish one of my projects but also for Noah to begin his own. We refrained from getting a complementary one. I assured Noah my storehouse could provide for that need.

This morning as I dug through multiple 18-gallon plastic-storeage totes, I pulled many selections from which Noah can choose. I also found many vibrant cuts from other dream days.

This inspired me to set aside one day a week - just for sewing!

As I looked for a PJ pattern to fit Noah, I ran across and old favorite that I'd used many times for my own boys as well as their cousins. I even found two pieces of flannel that I used two years ago to create nightgowns for my goddaughter and her sister. The youngest was wearing hers the last time I arrived to visit my parents and her grandparents.

"I can't believe it still fits you," I said in awe. Her sister explained, "It's mine, but Mom said I had to give it up because it didn't fit me anymore. I didn't want to."

Their mom explained how the littlest one wore her own to shreds by wearing it nearly day-in-and-day-out. When the older one out-grew hers, it made sense to hand it down. "She loves her Aunt Wendy jammies!" my sister said with a wink.


At that moment, I made a mental note: Sew new PJs for both girls - when I get time. The trouble is I rarely GET time. I have to MAKE time for the fun of sewing.

Well, today—just moments before finding the flannel and the PJ pattern—I'd already pledged to set aside one day a week to sew!

So - that's what I did.

Needing Noah to choose his complementary fabric as well as fit an adult-sized PJ pattern to him, I ruled out further work on his project. Today I sewed for my nieces.

I love using up fabric to finish projects. (Yep, these two flannels are all gone!) And I especially love playing Fairy Godmother.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm sure they will be excited for the arrival of new Aunt Wendy Jammies!