Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April Fool

Today I can laugh at yesterday's mistake.

As parents retrieved their children after preschool, I said: "Have a great weekend!"

After the third time, the preschool teacher shook her head, "Wait. What day is it? Tuesday!"

I cringed, "Oh my gosh! Have you seen the movie 'Groundhog Day?'"

LeeAnn said, "You mean where the guy keeps living the same day over and over."

I nodded, "That's what it (this winter weather) feels like. Guess I'm expecting the weekend."

She laughed. I laughed. And then we roared together.

Call it: SnowStorm Silliness.

Like Bill Murray, we've been stuck in snow-mode at work. Only instead of telecasting, we've been directing our small, energetic charges.

Whenever possible, we bundle and usher them out into the fresh air. Yesterday we weathered heavy-falling snow which caused yet another early-release for the primary and secondary students.

Today –

April 1st –

the silliness


With 10 new clinging inches
(25 cm),

the great outdoors looks like Groundhog Day.

And that's


April Fool!

1 comment:

Jodi Schwen: aka, Jacqueline Pine Savage @jackypine said...

I also compare it to Narnia: "Always winter and never Christmas!"

btw, loved the two birthday photos of Dan!!