Sunday, April 26, 2009

Squirrel Stew

"You shoot it. You clean it. AND You eat it!"

We'd heard all about Aaron bagging his first squirrel while visiting a chum. From the bushy-tail teasing, to the firing shot, to the "field dressing" and plastic bag packaging, his friend pressed Aaron into becoming a real hunter. The final challenge – "You eat it!" – remained... preserved in our freezer.



but Chef Daddio
was on a work week
in Atlanta during

this 13-year-old's
big day.

Since then, Aaron had been pressing his dad to brew the stew.

Tonight the Rite of Passage was fulfilled.


taste like


Aaron said in reference to his buddy's analogy.

Simmered in a crock pot with grouse, bacon and veggies, Aaron's trophy made a tasty Sunday dinner accompanied by baking-powder biscuits and blueberry cobbler.

Reporting the Squirrel Stew News,

1 comment:

Michele said...

"Shoot it, clean it, eat it." Great rules! My father loves to fish but doesn't like to eat fish, which seems wrong. I'm glad my mother always cooks and serves all of the fish he brings home!

Nå har jeg lest mange av dine siste blogposts. Den dame som skrev at du har et kunstnerisk øye har rett. Bildene dine er kjempe nydelige!