Saturday, April 28, 2012

A Get-Away

We all need a "get-away" now and then.

Aaron's had
his moments
locally - 

hunting wild turkeys
and catching carp.
(This one on April 22nd.)

Isaac spent six days
on a high-school
trip to New Orleans.

(A portrait from their April 21st riverboat tour.)

Dan worked in Jacksonville, Florida 
from one Friday to the next Friday.

(The April 21st view from his hotel window)
So when Noah got selected to travel to Moorhead with his tuba to play in the NW Minnesota first-year honor band, he and I made the event a mini-vacation.

Friday night, we overnighted in Fargo. This morning, we marked his first trip to North Dakota by snapping his photo while crossing the Red River upon our return to Minnesota.


warmed up
with his fellow
band students
during registration.

Then their
band director
led them
to their sectional
practice groups
to work on numbers
for the noon concert.

Both a first-year band and a second-year band performed during the 40-minute concert.

The combined honor
band groups totalled
195 beginner musicians -
with about the same
amount of applicants being
turned away.

The seven students
and band instructor 
from our school
who joined 
the Get-Away! 

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