Friday, September 26, 2008


"Have you got a blanket or something for Moose," Dan asked last night after 7 PM.

He'd been shopping for his annual grouse-
hunting trip: three guys and two dogs camping on a long weekend.

"What were you thinking of?" I bantered, wondering why he hadn't made this request days ago.

"Something cushy for the long ride," he said. The crew was traveling within an hour of Canada.

"What time are you leaving?" I asked. He said, "Early – before 8 AM."

I took a deep breath, released it and said, "I'm thinking."

Down into the furnace room, I strode, scrounged in a few Rubbermaid totes, came up with a piece of heavy blue fabric and promptly laundered it. Meanwhile, I measured Moose's pet carrier and located two giant bags of polyester fiberfill.

Yes, I had on hand: materials for a homemade pet bed.

As soon as the fabric was out of the dryer, I folded it in half, measured a length, cut, stitched and stuffed the giant pillow. I recruited Dan to hold the pillow level while I closed and top stitched the finished product.

"Satisfied?" I asked handing it to him before 10 PM.

"Let's hope Moose doesn't tear it apart," Dan said squeezing the fluff.

"It's said 'hypoallergenic fiberfill' right on the bag," I explained, "So he shouldn't haven't any trouble with his allergies."

This morning Moose ran from his kennel to Grandma's little wagon. He wanted to jump in the front seat to ride with his master.

Unfortunately, Dan had to lift a reluctant Moose up into the truck's backend to try out his new bed in the pet carrier.

Moose wasn't pleased being caged. I told Dan so.

"He should just be happy that he gets to hunt," Dan spouted. I added,"And that his ride will be Cushy!

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