Thursday, September 11, 2008


Noah came home from school Tuesday and announced, "You need to get a job, Mom."

Three hours later at Aaron's football game, I was offered one that seemed tailored for me. I agreed to come for "on-the-job" training this morning to make an informed decision. Within those three hours, I understood: Why me?

This part-time position on Tuesday and Thursday mornings involves working at our local preschool as the teacher's assistant in a class of 12 that has three "high-maintenance" boys – reminiscent of our three strong-willed ones. Not many people tolerate loud, boisterous voices and know how to channel this kind of energy into teaching little ones to tame themselves and cooperate in a group setting.

I admitted that this job was not one for which I'd have applied, but was a challenge I'd accept – trusting God's greater plan.

You see, on Monday I received my credit card statement with the final bills from last month's 12-day Scandinavian adventure. Months ago, God provided a way to make this grand excursion happen starting with a 19-month zero-percent financial plan and providing other monetary resources along the way. I had my own ideas how to wrap up the final part, but felt an overwhelming sense "to let go and trust God to provide."

With the statement's arrival, I knew how much money I'd need before May 2009. As I figured this part-time teaching position's hourly wage over the next eight months, I found that the total would nearly covered my debt. The job's morning hours would allow me to see our boys off to school and still be available to help them afterwards. Their days off would also be my free ones. The position requires no planning, just assisting the teacher. And my drive to work? Two miles.

Since Noah began kindergarten two years ago, my family has urged me to get back into the workforce. So I was not surprised by Noah's reply when I asked him, "Why do you think I need to get a job?"

At Noah's age, Isaac and Aaron had replied the same way:

"Because I want to go to daycare like other kids."

What DID surprise me was how the seed Noah planted grew into an almost instantaneous offer – one that seemed Prophetic.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

God leads you to the water ;-)
See, he prepped you with your own 3.
I know you'll make things happen!